Once you have access to App.Cherre you will be able to create an API key by following the steps below.
If you don't have access please reach out to support@cherre.com
Log into app.cherre.com
Click on the menu icon on the top left corner and navigate down to Management
click on API Keys
Click Add
From here you will be asked to name your API key before hitting submit
After hitting submit you will be presented with your new API Key
Please note: The token will only be visible once upon creation, so be sure to save it securely!
Please go to the following website to test out and build queries using the API
End Point should be: https://bqmt.cherre.com/graphql
You will have to add "Authorization" under KEY and your API key under Value following "Bearer" (IE - Bearer *API Key*).
Aurhtorization: Brearer YOUR_API_KEY_HERE