The Cherre Yardi Replicate Connector allows Cherre customers who are Yardi Replicate customers to utilize the Yardi Replicate product to access the entirety of their Yardi data and egress into the Cherre Platform.
Setting up Yardi Replicate so it can be accessed by the Cherre Yardi Replicate Connector is straightforward and consists of the following steps.
Configure Yardi Replicate with specific parameters provided by Cherre (with Yardi’s assistance if needed)
Using the list of the tables available by the Cherre Yardi Replicate Connector, and additional tables scoped with Cherre team, select the tables in Replicate to be egressed to Cherre
Set up specific tasks (e.g. DataMart if needed) to regularly update Yardi financial tables so changes are reflected in Yardi Replicate
Once these steps are completed, clients will be able to use the Cherre Yardi Replicate Connector to pull data into the Cherre Platform.
Introduction to the Yardi Replicate Connector
The Yardi Replicate product uses Qlik Replicate to send a read-only copy of selected Yardi data to a pre-configured dataset inside a pre-configured client BigQuery project inside Cherre. From there the Cherre Yardi Replicate Connector reads from that dataset, transforms the data to a Cherre model, and makes it available to the client in a variety of methods offered by Cherre (PowerBI, Snowflake, API, etc).
Yardi Replicate data is available as soon as the underlying Yardi tables have been updated, the Yardi Replicate Connector can be configured to run on various intervals so the data is inside of Cherre per the client’s needs, hourly updates are typical.
Implementation Checklist
Setup a new target in Replicate with the Cherre service account key
Target dataset configuration, “Do not create datasets”
Set the Task Settings to “yardi_replicate”
Select tables to be replicated to Cherre
Setup scheduled tasks in DataMart to update underlying Yardi tables
Setup Apply Latency alerts
Implementation Steps
Set up a new target in Replicate with the Cherre service account key
Inside Qlik Replicate, you will create a new Google Cloud BigQuery target endpoint with the following connection properties.
Select Target as the database role
From the Type drop-down list, select Google Cloud BigQuery
In the Service account key field, paste the full contents of the service account key provided to you from Cherre
To verify the connector information you entered is correct click Test Connection
Once you’ve verified the connection is successful, proceed to the “Advanced” tab to continue the setup.
Target dataset configuration
In the Advanced tab, set the following property under Dataset creation.
Select Do not create datasets, Cherre uses a pre-set dataset for the Yardi Replicate connector (which you’ll configure in the Task Settings, see the next section).
Task Settings to yardi_replicate
Set the Target Table Schema to yardi_replicate
Select tables to be replicated to Cherre
The Yardi Replicate Connector supports over 47 key Yardi tables out of the box and new tables are continuously being added to the connector. Your Cherre Client Success team will provide a current list of Yardi Replicate tables in addition to any other tables needed for your business requirements.
Yardi Replicate | Cherre Table |
AcctTreeXref | yardi_replicate_account_tree_x_references |
AcctTree | yardi_replicate_account_trees |
IPARAM | yardi_replicate_accounts_options_parameters |
chargtyp | yardi_replicate_charge_types |
Chart | yardi_replicate_charts |
CommAmmendments | yardi_replicate_commercial_amendments |
commconfig | yardi_replicate_commercial_configs |
CommLeaseType | yardi_replicate_commercial_lease_types |
CommOptions | yardi_replicate_commercial_options |
commpropconfig | yardi_replicate_commercial_property_configs |
CommSalesType | yardi_replicate_commercial_sales_types |
CommSchedule | yardi_replicate_commercial_schedules |
CommTenant | yardi_replicate_commercial_tenants |
CAMRULE | yardi_replicate_common_area_maintenance_rules |
contact | yardi_replicate_contacts |
contactxref | yardi_replicate_contact_references |
Country_info | yardi_replicate_country_info |
criticaldates | yardi_replicate_critical_dates |
CustomerStatus | yardi_replicate_customer_status |
CustomerType | yardi_replicate_customer_types |
Customer | yardi_replicate_customers |
FLOORS | yardi_replicate_floors |
IntBankGuarantee | yardi_replicate_int_bank_guarantees |
intcurrency_info | yardi_replicate_international_currencies_info |
INTPROP | yardi_replicate_international_properties |
LockOut | yardi_replicate_lock_outs |
MEMO | yardi_replicate_memos |
CommNAICS | yardi_replicate_naics |
OWNER | yardi_replicate_owners |
paramOpt2 | yardi_replicate_parameters_option_2 |
PERSON | yardi_replicate_persons |
PROPERTY | yardi_replicate_properties |
PROPOWN | yardi_replicate_property_owners |
RENTREVIEWDET | yardi_replicate_rent_review_details |
RENTREVIEW | yardi_replicate_rent_reviews |
ROLE | yardi_replicate_role |
commsic | yardi_replicate_sic |
SQFT | yardi_replicate_sqft |
tenantaging_charge | yardi_replicate_tenant_aging_charges |
tenantaging_period | yardi_replicate_tenant_aging_periods |
TENANT | yardi_replicate_tenants |
tenantaging | yardi_replicate_tenants_aging |
tenantaging_prepay | yardi_replicate_tenants_aging_prepay |
TRANS | yardi_replicate_transactions |
UNITTYPE | yardi_replicate_unit_types |
UNIT | yardi_replicate_units |
asusrddf | yardi_replicate_user_defined_data_fields |
Setup scheduled tasks in DataMart to update underlying Yardi tables
Certain Yardi fin tables need to be synchronized based on financial reporting and accounting schedules. In order for Replicate to see these updates, scheduled tasks need to be scheduled in DataMart so the underlying tables are updated and visible in Replicate.
Setup Apply Latency alerts
Cherre strongly recommends setting up Apply Latency monitoring so you can track the time between a change being updated in the source (Yardi Replicate) and when it’s visible on the target (the Cherre “yardi_replicate”) dataset. This is to make sure updates do not fall behind and data is egressed to Cherre in a timely manner.